Kit Reviews

Friday 27 February 2015

Dragon Saladin Mk2 The Build

As the Land rover is almost done I just had to start the Saladin as I've been desperate to start it every since I got my grubby mitts on the box! For this one (I intend to build another later this year) I'm going for an Aden campaign vehicle. After a good look around the net I found some smashing pictures which show them in Aden and in colour! Very handy indeed. I will be adding any missing details as I go along as well. So stand by for an interesting build I think.

(photos for discussion purposes only)


  1. Look forward to actually seeing this one built. It's been slagged so bad on some of the forums you'd think it was the worst kit ever, when the nits seem to be really minor! Anyway, have fun.

  2. Thanks Michael it is a great kit and as you say only needs a bit of tweaking
