Kit Reviews

Thursday 19 February 2015

1 Tonne Matt Coat & Progress On The Achzarit

The Land rover has now had a matt coat added and all the lights fixed into position. The weathering is quite light compared to my usual fare but in this instance I didn't want to swamp the model with too many filters and washes. I think it's come out well. All the bits for the back deck are now all done, I've also made up a vehicle documents folder and this will go somewhere in the cab. 
Once the varnish has cured it will be onto the final stages which will consist of a very light spray of tamiya buff and some pigments. I then have the task of cutting out and fixing in the glazing and fixing the doors, windscreen and canvas, I just hope it all goes together ok!   

The Achzarit has also had a bit of work in between working on the landy. I started off by spraying a heavily thinned mix of tamiya smoke and flat brown around all the details and panel lines. I then picked out all the handles and other fixtures that are red firstly using flat white then going back over with red. The white undercoat makes the red stand out more. That took quite a while to do but the model looks rather fetching with the red bits on now. A gloss varnish has been sprayed on today ready for further work once it's cured.


  1. Good job on both vehicles Pete, I stay tuned for the next stages.

  2. Thanks Alain it's all going well at the moment, I wonder is that a bad thing?
