Kit Reviews

Sunday 25 January 2015

Firing Line Land rover 1 Tonne

Here's the start of the build, for those that don't know this kit has been available for some years now and consists of a resin hull & canvas with the remainder of the details provided in white metal & etch. The kit comes in a nice sturdy box with everything neatly packaged in small bags. The only letdown is the rather poor instructions which have one vague illustration for some of the parts placement and a written description of others. However as this could be classed as a cottage industry kit and the only game in town so you really have no other choice in 1/35th scale.

I started cleaning up the hull which is very well cast with no air bubbles or warping. A quick session with a knife and file cleaned up any flash and mold lines. I decided to tackle the suspension next and spent some time ensuring everything was straight and level. The detail here is limited but then again not much can be seen once the model is on it's wheels anyway. I added the missing exhaust pipe from plastic tube and rod. The wheels which are metal fit well and the vehicle has the correct stance too.

Moving onto the cab area I've started to add missing details using various materials. Whilst here I though I would check the fit of the windscreen, this is an etched construction made up of three parts. So far I've only used the front part and had a nightmare bending the part. It just wants to distort all the time! On offering it up I saw that it was a good mil each side too long and did not meet up with the canvas roof! arrrggghhhh!!! 

Out came the plastic card and a new screen was made up. This fits much better and actually lines up with the roof correctly. The doors have also been checked and again these are multiple assemblies. The fit is good but the upper frames are very thin brass and prone to distortion. Perhaps once I glue the elements together I can replace the frames with plastic for strength?


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