Kit Reviews

Saturday 8 November 2014

ZTZ 99 Pigments & Grime

Just finished off the hull after a few rounds of pigment weathering. I started off with a very light coat of tamiya flat earth to start the process then mixed up a suitable colour with pigments and used these wet and dry. I've applied the pigments in a gradual way, heavier applications at the bottom of the hull and lighter as I worked my way up. After adding exhaust staining the last stage was to flick wet pigment along the bottom of the hull via a stiff brush to replicate mud spatters.

Almost done now just the turret to finish off and a base to sort out. I've also been looking at the next project and have decided to do an aircraft. I'ts been quite a while since I last finished a wingy thing but this little beauty caught my eye on ebay,

Got it for a cheap price and I must say it looks a very nice kit. And it's in my favourite colour scheme too! Watch out for the start of the build soon.

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