Kit Reviews

Saturday 18 October 2014

ZTZ 99 Paint Work & A Little Addition

Here's a small addition to the model a set of fuel drums added to the rear. I made up some straps from lead foil and a bit of plastic rod.

Today I've also given the model it's camo colours. I went for the scheme which has the brown instead of the more common sand just for a bit of a change. I used tamiya XF-9 hull red as the base for this and added white & flat flesh until I was happy with the colour. It's almost a dirty salmon pink  but this will change once the weathering begins. The greens where Mr Hobby colours, H303 & H309. I added a drop of black to the darker green H309 for a bit more contrast between the two greens used.

I have not used my normal method of highlighting the base colours with lighter shades as the colours are very vivid and bright. Instead I will be going over the model with thinned tamiya smoke later to add some darker tones and shadows which I think will work better than making the already bright colours even more brighter.

Pretty pleased with the contrasting colours on this so far. I've started picking out some of the details and will be adding some wear to the model as well.

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