Kit Reviews

Sunday 26 October 2014

ZTZ 99 Filters, Washes & Oils

Over the weekend I've been experimenting with the new Wilder washes & filters on the model and have found them rather good. I began with the grey brown filter No NL19. Starting off with a very light application I then added a slightly heavier layer after the first one had dried. I found that the filter is much finer than say MIG or AK products and it's far more subtle. After two coats the main colours had faded slightly and darkened very slightly as well. On the side skirts in particular it left a very pleasing dusty look.

So far so good, I then used "deep shadow wash" as a pin wash adding it to recesses and bolts etc. Again it works really well straight out of the bottle. I also tried adding a little black oil paint to this and some more thinner on a palette to see how it mixed. The result was very good, with a dash of thinners it flows even better along details. I think with further thinning you could use this as a filter as well.

Lastly I've started the oil dot fading and streaking on the model. Here I'm keeping it subtle and not adding too much as these tanks seem to be kept pretty tidy. It's almost ready for a matt varnish now so be sure to check back soon.

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