Kit Reviews

Wednesday 8 October 2014

IPMS Belgium Plastic & Steel 2014 Show Report

Last Friday saw Stonehenge Modellers (me & Brian ) hop over to Belgium via the euro tunnel for the annual convention of IPMS Belgium. This is a two day event held in Affligem, not far from Brussels and conveniently located just off the E40.  The drive up from the euro tunnel terminal was a doddle and actually a pleasure compared to British roads. Brian was on bunker lookout on the journey and spotted quite a few (sad bugger that he is).

We arrived in good time and set up that afternoon, my first impressions where that the venue was very large and had plenty of space for all the traders and exhibitors. After a very swift set up and a chat with the IPMS Belgium guys we headed off to Aalst & our hotel. Aalst is about five minutes from the show via the motorway so we did not have far to travel. Hotel found & bags unpacked it was time for a well earned beer or three!

On Saturday we arrived before the public was admitted and had a good hour walking around looking at all the stands and admiring some fantastic models on display. Once the doors opened we enjoyed a very busy day chatting to loads of people who I hope really enjoyed looking at our display. The 109 attracted a lot of attention and made for a good center piece to our display along with Brian's Belgian Scorpion. Of course being a European show beer was available via the bar at a very early hour and I must say I was impressed with Brian's restraint in not having one until lunchtime! I of course was driving so stuck to coffee. The show closed at 1800 hrs and I would say there was a very steady flow of visitors throughout the day.

Sunday was much the same with some different models on display and the judging of the competition. The standards here where very high with some extremely well made models and loads of inspiration. In fact this is the first show this year that the models seen on the tables really inspired me. Firstly to build better and secondly by the subjects modeled.   On the retail therapy side of things there was a very good mix of traders with plenty of interesting models to buy. I certainly took full advantage of this and really went a little nuts!

Friday set up,

Saturday & Sunday,

I took loads of pictures which can be seen here, SHOW PICTURES

A fantastic weekend this I certainly had a very enjoyable time. A big thank you to IPMS Belgium for the invite and for putting on such a good show. Stonehenge Modellers will be there again next year.


  1. Hey Pete!

    THX for the report. I'm really sorry that I couldn't come to the show. I was really looking forward to meeting you but it was impossible for me because of the familly problems that I told you. Unfortunately things got worse and I had to stay close to my familly during these last harsh weeks.
    I hope I'll have another opportunity to meet you.


  2. Mate I'm sad for you at this difficult time and my thoughts are with you. Glad you enjoyed the report we had a great time and will certainly be going again next year so I look forwards to meeting you then
