Kit Reviews

Sunday 21 September 2014

AFV Club M109 Belgian Army All Finished

Here is the completed model on it's base. This was a simple affair with just a few grass clumps, some carved weeds and a small tree added. It sets off the shear size of the vehicle nicely and I'm very pleased with how the whole project turned out.

Looking forwards to displaying this at the IPMS Belgium show in a couple of weeks time.


  1. Hey Pete! You've made a little gem out of this one! Eventhough I particularily like the fact that you've made a Belgian version I really think you've made a great job on this model and on the figures! I'm looking forward to see it and to meet you at IPMS Belgium. Maybe I won't be present because my grandfather lies unconscious at the hospital since friday night because of a heartattack. I hope he'll get better 'til then. I'll keep you posted for the IPMS Belgium show!


  2. Thierry sorry to hear your grandfather has had a heart attack I do hope he recovers soon.
    Thanks for your kind comments I'm glad you like the finished result and I hope it will be appreciated at the show.
