Kit Reviews

Sunday 10 August 2014

IPMS AVON Show Report

Today saw myself and Brian head off to the Avon show. After transferring all of Brian's models to my car in the pouring rain at my house we had a fun and very wet drive down the M4 in some really atrocious weather. Torrential rain and driving winds made the journey interesting to say the least! However it's only an hour away from my gaff so not too bad and we set off early as well.

As last year the event was held at the Thornbury leisure centre and incorporated the Bristol area war gamer's annual show. After a quick set up we could relax and dry out with a cuppa before the punters arrived at 9.30. Again this was a very well attended show with two massive halls and plenty of space to wander around between the displays and traders. I took a large amount of surplus kits to sell (as you know I'm going through a change in direction regarding the stash at the moment) and came back home with more money than I went out the door with!

We were kept busy all day chatting to visitors and friends and also having a look around the displays. I only bought one kit in the end and a few bargain bits and pieces so a very frugal day model wise for me. Well I am trying to save plenty of pennies for the Belgium trip! However there was as usual plenty of traders and plenty of variety. The war-game traders in particular had some great scenic stuff which is handy for military modelling as well.  Another great day was had at the show and a big thank you to IPMS Avon for hosting the show and indeed for inviting two sad old gits, aka Stonehenge Modellers and allowing us to bore the public with our insane ramblings.

And lastly today's stash additions,

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