Kit Reviews

Saturday 30 August 2014

M109 Figures Finished

Here's the commander figure all done, very pleased with the result he should add a nice bit of colour interest to the finished model.

The 109 is currently under attack with a selection of pin washes prior to some filters and oil dot fading being added.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

M109 Figures, Stowage & Tweeks

It's going very well at the moment and I've just added the cover that sits over the top of the gun mechanism. The real thing looks almost like a roller blind and I think it's to protect the rotating part of the gun from dust and muck. As the kit part is pants a bit of plastic strip, some masking tape and five minutes work sorts it out nicely. I've also painted it a slightly different shade for some contrast.
The stowage has been added to the rear bins and some camo netting added. This stuff is really good, it takes paint well and once cut, stretched and crumpled it still refuses to rip. I may add a bit more on the hull later on.

On to the figures now and I've finished the driver off and painted him in coveralls.

For the commander figure I wanted to paint the very distinctive Belgian camo uniform. I spent most of last night working out the colours and have as usual used vallejo paints. The very light green, almost mustard colour seen on the uniforms was the most difficult to work out but with some mixing alchemy I finally found a colour I was happy with.

The colours for the uniform are as follows,
824 camo orange ochre with a dash of 857 golden olive for the light green
343 shadows flesh for the brown
823 Luftwaffe camo green for the darker green
950 black

And here is the real thing,

I think it looks pretty much like the real thing and am rather pleased with it as it only took one attempt! Now to finish him off and start the weathering of the 109.

Monday 25 August 2014

Tools, Chipping & Figure Work

It's bank holiday Monday here in the UK and true to form it's raining cats & dogs so it's a perfect opportunity to get cracking on the 109. Firstly I've been working on the commander figure and I used an old academy figure from their 113 kit. Some new arms from the spares box, a hornet head and some magic sculpt for his scarf and new pockets on the jacket sorted him out. The helmet is not quite correct for a Belgian version but close enough.

I've also added some light chipping to the model but not much as the real thing was maintained very well. I've also painted up all the tools and primed and sprayed the tracks. Just all those rubber track pads to pick out now! The decals have also settled down very well so a further coat of gloss will be needed to seal them in.

My next task will be to sort out the rear stowage bins and for this I'm using some netting and Arkebuza camo netting.

Saturday 23 August 2014

M109 Camo & Decals

Here's the latest on the 109. The black was hand painted using a mix of vallejo black and dark rubber. I also used the same mix for the rubber on the wheels. After a coat of gloss I've now got the decals on. Still learning with home made decals and I've found that they don't like too much prodding & poking once on the model. I've had a little bit of bleed on the rear reg number but I can touch that up once they are dry.

I need to sort out some stowage for the rear bins next and get the tools painted up. The gun cleaning rods are causing a bit of a dilemma as I've seen them painted, left in natural wood finish and also seen metal versions in an aluminium colour. Not sure how to go at the moment.  

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Belgian M109 Belated Waffle

Work has been kind of slow on this lately what with plenty of other things taking up my time and the nice summer however as the Belgian show looms ever near I've made a bit of an effort to get back into this. First up I've now printed off the decals and have given them a couple of coats of microscale liquid decal film. I must say a big thank you to Roger Lothaire who sent me a copy of some decals he made up for a similar project.

I've also tackled the tracks and used another set of spade ace metal tracks. Flipping brilliant these and at only £16 are a bit of a bargain. 76 links one side and 77 links on the other side and I have two very nice track runs. Again the detail is top draw and with a bit of painting and dust will look the biz!

Now I need to get my arse in gear and tackle the figures, stowage and most importantly some main colour modulation and the black part of the camo scheme.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Working The Land

I've now taken the plunge and obtained an allotment from my town council here in Devizes. I have been thinking about more ways to keep active and get plenty of fresh air and this hopefully will be a good way of achieving my aims. And most importantly eventually providing lots of fresh veg for the table. The plot is bigger than I thought it would be but nothing I can't manage if I take my time.
Some serious weed digging is on the cards as well as soil turning but this is the ideal time of year to start as hopefully come next spring it should be all ready to start planting. Looking forwards to it as I've always enjoyed gardening and growing veg.

A barren landscape and my little shed!

Sunday 10 August 2014

IPMS AVON Show Report

Today saw myself and Brian head off to the Avon show. After transferring all of Brian's models to my car in the pouring rain at my house we had a fun and very wet drive down the M4 in some really atrocious weather. Torrential rain and driving winds made the journey interesting to say the least! However it's only an hour away from my gaff so not too bad and we set off early as well.

As last year the event was held at the Thornbury leisure centre and incorporated the Bristol area war gamer's annual show. After a quick set up we could relax and dry out with a cuppa before the punters arrived at 9.30. Again this was a very well attended show with two massive halls and plenty of space to wander around between the displays and traders. I took a large amount of surplus kits to sell (as you know I'm going through a change in direction regarding the stash at the moment) and came back home with more money than I went out the door with!

We were kept busy all day chatting to visitors and friends and also having a look around the displays. I only bought one kit in the end and a few bargain bits and pieces so a very frugal day model wise for me. Well I am trying to save plenty of pennies for the Belgium trip! However there was as usual plenty of traders and plenty of variety. The war-game traders in particular had some great scenic stuff which is handy for military modelling as well.  Another great day was had at the show and a big thank you to IPMS Avon for hosting the show and indeed for inviting two sad old gits, aka Stonehenge Modellers and allowing us to bore the public with our insane ramblings.

And lastly today's stash additions,