Kit Reviews

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Chieftain Base Planning & Some Primer

Here is the base with the main elements (almost) in their final positions. The right front corner looked a little bare so I made up some hawthorn bushes using some wire and twisting about eight strands of this into a bush shape. Once happy with the shape some thin plaster was brushed on for the bark. Hawthorn hedges are very common around this area and as a bonus because the scene is set in winter I don't need to worry about adding leaves to the branches.

I'll add some rusty cans and other rubbish to the base of this area once I've built up the groundwork. The tank crossing poles were made from some suitable wood and capped with plastic card to make the metal capping's seen on the real thing. These poles are actually old railway sleepers that were re used on tank crossings.

Not many of these old wooden crossing poles are left out on the plain now as most of the main crossing points have all been upgraded over the last few years. Now I'm happy with everything I can now make a start on the groundwork.

Both the stug and male tank have had a wash and once dry a coat of primer. I'm particularly impressed with the detail on the male tank which has really popped out. Just look at all those lovely rivets!


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