Kit Reviews

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Chieftain Base Part 4, The Final Push!

Well I've pretty much got the base how I want it now and just need to add a few damp areas once the models are in place. I added some dried herbs in the end around the bushes for leaf litter then painted up a couple of old beer cans. I went for a castlemaine 4X & heiniken as they fitted the late eighties scene nicely. A nice rusty can finished off the area around the bushes.
The Crossing posts had an application of raw umber oils for the wood colour then some fading on the metal caps followed by some metallic chipping and bird poo!

The wet look I wanted to achieve did not look very convincing and to me at least just was not right. In the end I sprayed on some matt varnish to rectify this and I think it looks much better.

Here's a test fitting of the models on the base.

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