Kit Reviews

Monday 16 June 2014

Chieftain Base Part 2

Over the weekend I've been beavering away at the base adding raised areas using some bits of polystyrene, spraying the road surface with rust-oleum and then adding the mud and earth with plaster. After a spray with primer today I've been adding the grass areas with static grass, tufts and carved plants. A few more tufts still need to be added here and there to finish it off. I've also made up another crossing pole for the far side.

The hawthorn bushes will be painted off the base then added as late as possible so I don't damage these delicate items. I'll add some leaf litter around their roots later and also put a couple of bit of rubbish beneath them such as old beer cans and commercial oil containers. Once I've added the last of the tufts I can get the airbrush out and start spaying the base up.

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