Kit Reviews

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Abrams Decals & Valentine Woe's

The Abrams has now had a gloss coat and the decals applied. Looks very nice and should be ready for some weathering tonight.

Things have not been going so well with the Valentine however! I started off spraying the colours on the model but was unhappy with the shade or the finish so decided to strip back with my usual method of Mr muscle oven cleaner. On washing the model to remove the paint I noticed that the oven cleaner had actually eaten away at the metal barrel! Not something that has happened before with any of the models I have stripped paint from.

To say I was unhappy would be an understatement. However I have found a replacement and have now fitted an earlier barrel which is more in keeping with the reference photos I have courtesy of Eureka XXL who offer both types of barrel and towing ropes in little sets.

The barrel is great and so are the tow ropes and ends, you get two lengths of brass wire which is soft and four rope ends cast in resin with the ends already drilled out to accept the wires. So one rope will definitely be making and appearance on the finished model. Now I better get the spray booth out and start again.

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