Kit Reviews

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Trip to the USA and a bit of a shock!

Well I have had a rather eventful few weeks hence no updates for some time, the end of September saw me off to visit relatives in the US, namely Minneapolis, Minnesota. We spent eight fabulous days around that area and even managed a couple of nights in a log cabin at Itasca state park! Oh and I also went fishing AND found a model shop! Can't be bad!

However I was experiencing some chest pains whilst there and put it down to indigestion or asthma but thought nothing of it, planning to see my doctor on my return. On arriving back in the UK I went to work as usual last Monday night and had a heart attack during the early hours of Tuesday morning! Subsequently I spent last week in Salisbury hospital and eventually had two stents placed in one of my hearts artery's. It turns out that both my blood pressure and cholesterol where very high. Also smoking for years didn't help! and this had scaled up one artery causing the attack.

I'm now at home recovering with a mountain of pills to take and taking one day at a time. I count myself extremely lucky to be still here. It certainly puts a lot of thinks in perspective, for me this has been a life changer. Lots to think about but at least I can model which is good for relaxation!


  1. Oh crap mate good to hear you're on the mend. Thinking of you mate

  2. thanks guys, your support is very much appreciated

  3. Very nice job on the jeep. sorry to here you have heart attack it takes time to get back on your feet I had a heart attack myself 4morths a go and have 3stent in .take care have a nice day.
