Kit Reviews

Monday 22 April 2013

Messy Modelling!

Here's a quick look at the bench at the moment! yep it's a total mess! I've been working on the vampire sanding down the joint lines and re-scribing as well as adding the missing wing tip lights and all that sanding means I really must tidy up before continuing. Especially as I plan to continue adding some paint to the RSO later on! Why is it that even with a nice large bench I always end up working in a six inch square space, I'm sure there must be some modelling phenomenon to explain it.

However the vamp is progressing nicely and I am already thinking of my next build. Not an easy task with the size of my stash at the moment. I just have so many interesting models which can be a chore when choosing which one to build! I do have two front runners though, Bronco's superb little M22 Locust and Heller's VBCI. Both very different subjects which at the moment I am finding it hard to choose between. Oh hang on I could build my Meng Models excellent AMX-30B oh the agony of choice!!


  1. I think it's a modellers thing, workbenches and workshops getting messy. Just been tidying and moving around my workshop before I put away the models from yesterdays ModelKraft show.

    The Vampire is looking nice.

  2. Hahahha... reminds me of something known ; )


  3. I used to have an area like that, but now that i am in the kitchen working there is no way it can look like a working area. Oh how i envy you
