Kit Reviews

Wednesday 27 March 2013


Yesterday saw what feels like the most traumatic day of my life with the sad passing of my beloved and faithful companion Buck. Unfortunately Buck was diagnosed with a malignant tumour in January which was inoperable and it seems the tumour was more aggressive than first thought. Buck first bounded into my life in April of 2006 when I was on a PD1 police dog course and he was issued to me. Even then he was a big dog and I fell in love with his cheeky ways and loving nature very quickly. He was my constant companion, work partner and protector for five years, always happy in his work he was one of the best! loving particularly bite work and tracking. In 2011 he was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in his hips so he retired and came to live at home. Here he quickly settled in learning loads of naughty habits from Merlin and generally living the life of Riley being spoilt rotten! He was an instant hit with all who met him mostly due to the fact he would lean against you demanding a fuss!

After Merlin's passing last year he became the constant in our lives and helped us get over that loss. In particular he adored my wife and liked nothing better than following her around the house and getting constant attention! I had hoped that he would go on for a few years after retirement but sadly that was not to be, at least he enjoyed his time at home and was loved by all. Buck you will be deeply missed my boy and I love you.


  1. hello pete vary sad to hear about this. We also lost our lovely little dog Luna last year and it was such difficult that we didn't take another one till now

  2. My condolences, having lost both of my Great Pyrenees with five months of each other back in 2008 I know what a large hole they leave behind. I just rescued a new Pyr last month and its good to have a dog again!

  3. Hello Pete, I do understand your sorrow and I send you my sincere condolences. These are really beautiful pics of him, I especially like the last "in action pic".


  4. R.I.P Buck, man's best friend!


  5. R.I.P. Buck. Sorry for your loss.

  6. I'm sorry to hear about your loss, Pete. They sound like hollow words on the internet I know, but hopefully Buck's soul is in a better place.

  7. all my sympathies on your loss Pete. We've just taken in a rescue dog, our first for 20 years, know only too well what a loss their departing can be..

  8. Sorry about your loss Pete. They end up being part of the family and leave a big hole in your life when they're gone.

    R.I.P. Buck

  9. I have lost two Shepherds over the last 20 yrs or so and I know the pain and loneliness you are feeling now. We chose to ease the passing of both dogs and it was a hard choice to make but in the end we knew it was the right decision. In time you will remember only fond memories of your loyal friend. Sorry for your loss....

  10. Many many thanks for all your kind words and support friends it has really helped for sure
