Kit Reviews

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Beefy Beast

The Radschlepper has had some more attention over the last couple of days and as you can see the massive front fenders are now in place. The kit instructions would have you build up the cab on the vehicle which means I would have to paint as I went. I don't like this approach but I think I can paint the inside of the cab then mask off and attach to the chassis later. It's just a matter of glueing the cab floor to the body and sliding in place. Likewise the side engine louvres can be painted then added later. This should help enormously. The cab has a seam running along the front which needs sanding and there are three pin marks inside to fill.


  1. Clean build! I actually really like this model and I think I'll put it on my wishlist! Which camo will you paint on it? Plain grey or 3 tones camo like the ones used in Normandy? Or maybe a faded whitewash on grey?


  2. Hi Thierry I will probably go with a three colour camo with panzer grey chipping showing through.

  3. hello pete can't wait to see the next step, this vehicle still looks so strange to me!

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