Kit Reviews

Thursday 17 January 2013

Simca Seasoning

Since my last update I have been struck down by a rather nasty flu type virus which really knocked me for six! I ended up spending four days in bed feeling rather sorry for myself however I am now much better and have got back to the bench. The Simca has had further attention with a light filter added followed by a very light dusting of tamiya buff heavily thinned. This was followed by a matt varnish and then some light dusting with mig pigments light european earth.

Putting the model together was a delicate operation as the parts are so small, the windscreen just push fitted into place. I added some copies of signal! to the passenger seat as it's good for morale! Once the bodywork was glued to the chassis I ran a drop of clear glue along the gaps in the rear wheel arches as you could see through the body. A lick of paint once dry and that problem was solved.

A simple base was also prepared using bits from the spares box and plastic rod for the kerb stones. It's not much but will set off the Simca nicely.

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