Kit Reviews

Monday 7 January 2013

Grizzly Painting

After a coat of tamiya fine surface primer I started with a little pre shading on the grizzly. For this I used tamiya XF69 NATO black drops of XF27 black green. I concentrated on getting this in all the nooks and cranny's as well as along panel lines etc. I then went over the model with some well thinned XF67 NATO green. Once happy with the effect I added progressive drops of XF15 flat flesh to the green and concentrated this colour in the centre of panels. Finally I added a few drops of XF57 buff to the mix and sprayed this in selected areas.

As you can see there is a pleasing contrast of colours which helps to break up the monotone colour at this stage. Whilst it is a little light subsequent washes, filters and oils will darken the overall colour.

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