Kit Reviews

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Grizzly Dio

I have now started sorting out the dio for the grizzly and for this I went fro a port-a-cabin as I have some pictures of grizzly's parked up with cabins in the background. As space is tight in the display cabinets I went for a partial building and used some foam board for the basic structure. This is the first time I have used this and it was very easy to work with. Some details where added with plastic card and a window opening cut out. I then masked all the edging and sprayed some games workshop rough coat to simulate the rough finish sometimes seen on these cabins. I also made a small light from plastic card.

I may add a small junction box to the cabin and some cabling too. So next its onto the ground work and painting the figure.


  1. Cheers Thierry the foam board is so easy to work with don't know why I have never used it before!
