Kit Reviews

Wednesday 24 October 2012


It's with great sadness that I have to tell you that our faithful and beloved Labrador Merlin passed away on Monday evening. Merlin was with us for 13 years and was the life and sole of any party. Especially if it involved food, everyone who met him instantly fell in love with his cheeky ways and loving personality. He loved food obviously! after all he was a lab and could hear the fridge door open or the rustling of a crisp packet at 100 yards! Water was his favourite thing and he would get himself soaked when the opportunity arouse. Usually this involved the muddiest puddle or tank track he could find! During the last couple of years he slowed down somewhat but received a boost when Buck came home to live last year. They both got on famously and loved sharing toys as well as treats. Eventually though old age, a dicky ticker and failing kidneys caught up with him. Rest in peace Merlin we will miss you.


  1. It's very sad to loose a beloved pet. They're family. You have my sympathies :`(

  2. Thanks Warren, it was a blow to the family that's for sure

  3. Sorry to hear this..... :(
