Kit Reviews

Monday 4 June 2012

God Save The Queen!

Well it's been a fantastic weekend of celebrations for the Queen's diamond jubilee here in the UK even though the good old British weather has played it's usual hand in the proceedings, yes it rained again! Here in Devizes we have had various street parties and a big music concert on the green yesterday. I popped down for a while and could also hear the music back in the den on returning home.

On the modelling front I am afraid that I seem to have lost interest in the chopper and the tank I am building at the moment. Possibly due to other factors which have got in the way lately so they will be going into the pile of doom until I get the enthusiasm to finish them off! Oh well that's the joys of modelling In suppose, I do find that sometimes if I am not 100% into the build it quickly turns into a chore so for me that's the time to stop.

So for now whilst I rummage through the stash for a suitable model to re ignite my interest I will leave you with a picture of a model I'd rather like to drool over!

1 comment:

  1. ..that's just gratuitous Pete ...LOL

    Happy Jubilee !
