Kit Reviews

Thursday 14 October 2010

Hurricane Progress

The Hurricane is coming along nicely with the fuselage halves joined and the wings glued,sanded and re-scribed. Some careful sanding and lots of test fitting was needed to get a good join between the two assemblies. I added some plastic shims to the wings to alleviate a nasty step in the wing root to fuselage joint. The cannon housings where total swine's to fit and needed lots of sanding to sit correctly. Just a brush of Mr surfacer was needed to fill any gaps.

I added some brake lines to the undercarriage and also used a Squadron vac-formed canopy for the first time as I wanted the canopy open on the finished model. I found cutting it out well out of my comfort zone! However by taking my time I managed to clean the parts up OK. I also used a set of Montex masks for the first time, very impressed as I found them much better to use than eduard masks. They also where a better fit as in the past I have found the eduard ones to be a poor fit.

She's now ready for primer and main colours. For these I will be using the RAF specific colours by Tamiya as used on my Meteor build a while back.

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