Kit Reviews

Thursday 13 May 2010

MIG Madness

Well for a break from armour and as I need to get this finished before IPMS Salisburys annual show I have built the Tamiya offering of the MIG 15. I wanted to do it in the markings of a soviet ace during the Korean war. The only additions where seat belts from tamiya tape and plastic card and two metal tubes to replace the smaller machine guns and some different decals.

I painted the model in a mixture of tamiya and gunze sangyo colours. Then I went back over with a lightened mix of each colour to start fading the colours. Next a very thin mix of tamiya smoke was sprayed along panel lines.

After a coat of klear and the decals I also added some streaking and fading using oils followed by a panel wash to pick out the details.

Once done a coat of matt was added and then some chipping with a silver pencil was the last thing to add. The canopy was glued with non fogging CA.

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