Kit Reviews

Friday 7 May 2010

Base Work

The base is now almost finished, the rough idea is seen in the first picture. I wanted to keep it simple as I want to get the model finished and I don't have that much display space left. Added raised areas using foam board then with polyfilla and a good slug each of wood glue and some acrylic paint to darken the mixture towelled it on. Some fine sand, pebbles and file grit went on next then once dry the static grass. The concrete was sprayed using games workshop rough coat. Some plants where carved from plastic rod and added to the base. The fuel drums are plaster items added for a bit of interest.

I sprayed the concrete with a dark mix of Tamiya RLM grey then lightened the mix with some neutral grey and finally sprayed some deck tan in a patchy fashion all over the area. The earth and grass where next sprayed using very low pressure with various tamiya colours. I wanted a faded summer look so kept the colours light.

The next step was to add some MIG filters neutral wash over the base to add some dark tones. Once dry I painted the fuel drums and added all the tufts of grass and the flowers, these are from green line and are very very good. The leaves are plus model oak and linden. Lastly I picked out some of the more prominent stones in different colours and painted the weeds I had carved from plastic with vallejo colours. The grass was dry brushed with yellow and yellow ochre acrylics. A good dose of MIG pigments (saved from the weathering of the vehicles) went on last.

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