Kit Reviews

Thursday 25 April 2024

Kanonenjagdpanzer Detail Painting & Decals

I've now finished all the detail painting on the hull with just the spare track, gun and jerry can to paint as well as the tracks. This evening I've added the decals which have really brought the model to life. 

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Kanone Figures

Here are the completed figures for the model. As you can see there is a pleasing variation in tone to each coverall which i think looks very good indeed. Finished off with very thin stretched sprue for the connecting wires for the headphones and a matt varnish I can now start the detail painting on the jagdpanzer.

Sunday 14 April 2024

Kanonenjagdpanzer Paintwork & Figures

The model has now had a good coat of tamiya XF 51 khaki drab followed by a bit of fading adding tamiya Xf 15 flat flesh to the base colour. A quick coat of gloss seals it all in ready for detail painting soon. 

Whilst all that has been going on I've also made a start on the valkyrie figures and was keen to try and replicate the faded coveralls seen regularly worn by 70's and 80's tank crews. I started off painting the driver with one part vallejo 974 green sky and one part humbrol acrylic 72 khaki drill. This gave me a nice faded base coat which I enhanced with darker shadows and lighter highlights using the base tone and various other colours.  

I think the driver came out very well. I'll vary the tone on the other two figures as there is a massive variation to be seen in the colour of these coveralls. Ranging from this very pale washed out colour to an almost field grey. 

Sunday 7 April 2024

Yeovil Model Show 7th April 2024

Today was the first show of the year for Stonehenge Modellers, so a not too early start and a swift drive down the dreaded A303 to the Westfield academy saw us set up in the dome in our usual quick and smooth way. This year thankfully the dome was a decent temperature so no brass monkeys to contend with early on.

Once set up I had a quick look around the three halls used for some early pictures for the blog. I'm glad I did because once the show was open proper we were kept nice and busy chatting to visitors and friends throughout most of the day. I think word had got out that Brian had actually finished a model and the general astonishment was too much for the paying public, who just had to come and see for themselves! 

Seriously though it was great as ever to chat to many friends and fellow modellers and exchange ideas & tips and information. As usual there were plenty of traders with lots of choice kits to make the wallet weep. I however only bought one new kit for the stash. I was very mindful of the acronym STABLE, stash acquired beyond life expectancy. Oh how I laughed today when this was explained to me by a visitor. Possibly the funniest thing I've heard in some time. 

So as usual a great day was had by all with some great kits to see on the club tables and for once the sun actually shined as too. Thanks as ever to the show organisers and volunteers who make the show possible with their hard work.