Kit Reviews

Thursday 30 November 2023

Airfix 1/35th Ferret Scout Car Mk.2

Now on the bench is the new Airfix Ferret scout car. Having only recently been released I was very keen to get one after seeing test sprues and details on the Airfix stand at the IPMS Avon show back in August. At only around the £23 mark it's extremely good value for money as well.

Moulded in a light green plastic which shows very crisp and fine details I have however enhanced the kit by purchasing new wheels and a rear grill replacement from Scorpion models. Both are relatively cheap additions as well.

So far it's building up very well, the interior is basic but more than adequate for what will be visible through any open hatches on the finished model. I have thinned down the vision hatches though as they are rather thick. The rear replacement grill is an easy enhancement and looks much better than the kit grill. I've also started adding my own additions in the form of weld lines and tie downs made from thin wire. 


Monday 27 November 2023

AK Interactive Series II Land Rover Finished.

Here is the finished model on a simple base. It's only taken me about 7 months to complete! Just some final detail painting & glazing followed by a light application of pigments to finish it all off. The base is a recycled one from an old build with some more plaster added before sand and grit and a bit of tubing for a culvert. 

I'm glad this is now off the shelf of doom and I can now start a new build with a clear conscience! Enjoy the final pictures.

Sunday 26 November 2023

AK Land Rover Series II Back At It!

In an effort to try and reduce the shelf of doom and get something else finished I've dusted off the AK Land Rover and have given it some pin washes followed by a matt coat and then some final detail painting and finishing off the glazing & lights.  

I'll finish off the weathering with pigments for a change which will be a quick and easy way to add some nice dusty effects just right for an Aden vehicle. 

Wednesday 22 November 2023

Tamiya 1/48th Dewoitine D.520 Finished

Here is the completed model after painting the nav lights, fitting the glazing & adding the final parts. I'm very pleased with how this came out and it was a nice relaxing build with nothing complicated or taxing to deal with. 

It's also give the modelling mojo a massive boost. So much so that I'm now deciding my next project as I type! I also think my lack of forum and social media posts has also had a beneficial effect on my reignited interest. More of this and my thoughts in another post soon. So thanks for persevering with me during this lean time on the blog and enjoy the finished pictures.


Tuesday 21 November 2023

Dewoitine Decals & Matt Coat

Some quicker progress on the model now starting with the decals. These are very thin for tamiya decals and I found they did have a tendency to break, especially the large tail decals. I'm glad I sprayed the tail section white before adding the decal as this ensured none of the previous colours were visible. Being very thin care was needed to get the decals to bed in so I used mild daco setting solution.

Once done some weathering with oils and an oil wash for the panel lines came next followed by a matt coat for the airframe and all the parts. All that's left to do now is paint the navigation lights then fit all the parts to finish her off. 

Saturday 18 November 2023

Dewoitine In Colour

Over the last week I've washed and primed the model and also now just completed all the camouflage painting on it. As it seems to have a hard edged scheme I used tamiya vinyl masking tape which is very easy to use and gives a nice crisp edge. Masking was also reasonably quick as it's a small model. I used the suggested tamiya mixes as well which I think worked out very well.

I just have the canopy to mask and paint but am waiting on some masks to arrive for that. And I will also paint the tail fin white in preparation for the decals later. 

Sunday 12 November 2023

Tamiya 1/48th Dewoitine D.520

I have been stealth building this little aircraft over the course of a couple of weeks just to see how I feel about modelling at the moment. So far so good as this kit is a bit of a gem with easy construction minimal parts and some nice colour schemes to choose from. 

I'm now very close to main primer and it's going very well. I've broken the build down into very small time slots which are getting longer so that to me feels like the mojo is returning which is great.