Kit Reviews

Wednesday 30 August 2023

AK Land Rover Series II Revisited & A Foggy Start To The Day

I've dug this back out of the pile of doom in an effort to finish the bugger and because the modelling mojo seems to be resurfacing. A quick mix of vallejo colours for a bronze green colour and some hand painting with a brush and the camo is sorted. It will look better once dry and with a coat of varnish but it's a step in the right direction.

Early this morning at work the mist was spectacular so I just had to take a picture. The temperature was also chilly at about 4c. You can tell that autumn is just around the corner in the mornings now.  

Saturday 26 August 2023

Tamiya T 72 Complete

Well that's the model all finished with just a dash more dust and some exhaust soot added and of course an antenna.  Again no base for this as I have zero space in my cabinets yet again. perhaps in the future a small base will be made for this we shall see. 

An enjoyable and simple model to build and fun to paint it has sort of got me out of my modelling funk which I find myself in so that's a good sign. Also I think with autumn and the darker nights drawing in my interest and output will increase quite a bit. Anyway here are the final pictures.  

Saturday 19 August 2023

Tamiya T 72 A Bit Of Dust

Some dusting and wear effects have now gone on the model with just a few more steps to do before it's finished. I'm not going to add much more in the way of mud & dust I think as I'm pleased with the look so far. A simple base will finish it off as well I think.   

Monday 14 August 2023

T 72 Some Progress

A small amount of progress has been made on the model with a few washes added using modellers world oil washes to add some depth to the details. So far it's going well with some areas needing just a bit more in the way of dark wash before some oil dot fading and dust are added. 

Monday 7 August 2023

IPMS Avon Show Report

Yesterday saw myself & Brian off down the M4 to Thornbury for the IPMS Avon annual show. As we missed last year it was great to get back to the show which again used all three halls at the venue. Set up was the usual polished affair for us, we have it down to a fine art now. So that enabled us to have a quick look around before the event was open to the public at 9.30. 

As usual there were plenty of clubs in attendance with a good few from the midlands which was nice to see especially as this provided the viewer with a wider palette so to speak of models to admire. Also plenty of traders as ever with lots of goodies to tempt you into parting with some cash. This year Avon sensibly asked clubs to limit under table sales to one small box of items which was a good idea, and it was good to see everyone adhering to this request.  

From the off we were very busy and the show looked to have a good steady stream of visitors throughout the day. Again it was great to catch up with followers of the blog, especially Rob and his mate John and another long time follower of the blog David. Great to chat to you guys and I'm glad you enjoyed our display. 

I thoroughly enjoyed myself and had a great time looking at some superb models on display. For once my money stayed in my wallet as I did not even go with a list of possible items I wanted and saw nothing that tempted me this time. So after a very quick break down and pack up of our models it was then just a quick hour drive home tired but happy after a fabulous show. As ever a big thanks to the lads at Avon for their hard work in putting on what must be the biggest show in the south west these days.