Kit Reviews

Wednesday 29 June 2022

Puma Final Bits & A New Project

The final bits have now been added to the model starting with some punched clear plastic for the turret optics. The sandbag covers over the rear lights have been painted and the rear bar armour fitted. Finally some cables went on using lead wire for the side cameras. 

I'll now work on the base then finish off the weathering with mud & dust, that way I can ensure the colours for both match perfectly.

The next project on the bench is Takom's M114 A1E1 CRV. I've long wanted to build one of these vehicles but never fancied the accurate armour resin one. So it's great to have a plastic kit finally. So far I've assembled the lower hull and test fitted the top of the hull. 

One thing to note is this kit is tiny! I'll be flitting between this and the puma but looking at the kit contents I don't think it will be too long before I've got a fully built model on the bench!


Tuesday 28 June 2022

Puma Progress

Most of the glazing is now in place and all the reflectors and indicators have been painted using tamiya clear colours. For the rear lights I've used some rolled out duro putty to add sandbag covers which I've seen in some references. They will be painted khaki later on. Tracks are also in place and a few scratches have been added to the hull sides.

Sunday 26 June 2022

Puma Dust & Flat Coat

I've now added one light dust filter which has been blended in then a good matt coat to seal the washes & filters in. This will now cure for a few days before more dust and mud goes on.  

Thursday 23 June 2022

Puma Weathering

Back working on the puma with a couple of dark washes to start with followed with the tracks painted up. Next will be a dusty filter then I'll start on adding dust and mud to the lower sections of the hull. 

Monday 20 June 2022

Cave Clean Modelling Can Commence!

Day off today so cracked on with cleaning all the dust and junk from the man cave. Took the opportunity to also crank up the turntable and have a bit of a Stranglers session! So it's full steam ahead on the Puma now.


Saturday 18 June 2022

Renovations Complete!

With the carpets now down and the final bits of snagging sorted I've now emptied the man cave and got all the furniture and other bits back to their new locations. There is just a new sofa to come which is on order.

Now I need to give the cave a massive cleanup to remove dust which has got everywhere and then I can crack on!

Sunday 12 June 2022

Holidays, Home Renovations & No Modelling

Just returned from a much needed holiday to sunny Greece and must say we had a fantastic time, even more so than usual as the grandkids came with us. Also very pleased we had no delays there & back which I was very thankful for!  

Back home and during our holiday we had the builders and decorators in working on some renovations. You may remember back in 2019 we had a new roof put on the conservatory and since then the plan was to finish off the area with the removal of the old door and window frame and plaster boarding the walls. Prior to our holiday I spent a fair amount of time preparing for the renovation by ripping out the door and sorting out other areas. 


And now...

New carpets go down this week then I can finally empty the man cave which has been used as a store during the work. Very pleased with the way it's all turned out as the room now feels much brighter and actually part of the house now. This is also the last big change we will be making as well thank god!

With any luck I'll get back to the bench and the puma by the end of next week!