Kit Reviews

Wednesday 28 July 2021

M3 Lee Detail Painting & Tracks

All the detail painting is done including the tracks so I've gone ahead and fitted them now. As the final weathering on the lower hull will be quite subtle it makes sense to get them on now so I don't have any issues later on. So with just a gloss coat to go onto the decals I can then start on a bit of paint chipping followed by washes & filters.

Tuesday 27 July 2021

M3 Lee Decals & Detail Painting

Decals have now gone on the model and very nice they look too. They are slightly on the thick side though so I'm hoping a layer of gloss will blend them in later. Detail painting has also started with the tools and tow rope getting some base colours using vallejo paints.

Sunday 25 July 2021

M3 Lee Painting

With the weather a lot cooler here this weekend I've cracked on with the painting after a blast of primer. Main colour this time is Gunze H78 olive drab 2 followed by my usual method of adding Tamiya XF 15 flat flesh to this to add lighter tones. So far I've done about six passes and will do just a couple more to finish off this phase of the painting. I've also received another Alpine figure for the cupola and will be using this one on the finished model as he works much better with the other figure I'm using.

Tuesday 20 July 2021

M3 Lee Ready For Paint

The model has now had a wash and is ready for primer but that will have to wait until the temperature here in the UK drops a little bit. Far too hot to be spraying paint right now. I've also added the two hull MG's using some brass tube. This took all of two minutes to sort out. 

Monday 19 July 2021

M3 Lee Stowage & Figures

Just sorting out some figures & stowage for the model. I've used an alpine figure in the side hatch and an old verlinden figure in the turret. I'm not too sure about that one as I suspect the uniform is a later issue however I have another alpine figure coming which may work out better.

Stowage is just a couple of tarps made from magic sculpt and a fuel can at the moment. More may be added later but I'll look at that once this has cured.

Saturday 17 July 2021

M3 Lee More Barrels

With the last few bits now added and some brass .30 cal barrels fitted as well the build phase is now complete. I can now turn my attention to some stowage before getting primer on. I've enjoyed this kit as it's pretty easy to build and the level of detail is excellent. Should look great with a spot of paint.

Friday 16 July 2021

M3 Lee Almost There

Just finishing up the final bits on the build now with only some handles and .30 cal brass barrels to add before it gets a blast of primer. I will add a small amount of stowage as well and a figure for the turret which I'll have a rummage in the stash for soon.

I'm really impressed with this kit, the details are nice and crisp & the build progresses very quickly with only a bit of care needed when assembling the tracks and upper hull. 


Sunday 11 July 2021

M3 Lee New Guns

The hull roof is now in place and again after some careful fitting & gluing there are only a couple of areas that need a bit of filling & sanding. I've also fitted the new RB barrels which need a bit of tweaking to fit but make a big difference I think. The rear engine deck is just test fitted at the moment again so I can check the fit but it's coming together very well.


Saturday 10 July 2021

M3 Lee Upper Hull

Progressing nicely with the kit now and am working on the upper hull plates. It's made up of multiple plates which all fit pretty well with some careful glueing. Detail is excellent, just look at all those smashing rivets & cast texture on the hull gun casing. I may even open up the hull MG slots and add a couple of barrels. 

Friday 9 July 2021

Takom M3 Lee Early

In an effort to kick start the modelling mojo I've cracked open the rather smashing Takom M3 Lee early version which seems to be working it's magic on me. So far it's building up very well & I do like all those rivets & screwheads which are done really nicely.

The road wheels and suspension units are made up from multiple parts and are workable but I've glued them all instead as it makes life easier whilst assembling the tracks. The track links themselves look pretty good but I did find that the individual links that go around the sprockets and rear idlers need to have a decent gap between each one. Failing to do this will result in the final track runs not joining and leaving a bit of a gap. 

Once in place they look good though so no need to shell out for replacements here. The final model will be painted up as a lend-lease vehicle in Soviet markings which should look good once finished.


Wednesday 7 July 2021

Modelling Hiatus

I'm in a bit of a modelling desert at the moment having lost my mojo for all things plastic, hence very few blog posts of late. It comes to us all at some point but for me the lack of modelling shows has been a real factor in losing my enthusiasm at the moment.  

The lack of social interaction and inspiration is something I've found I really miss about attending shows be it as an exhibitor or just as a punter. Also a few pressing family issues and having yet another holiday cancelled have all added to the lack luster feeling I have towards most things at the moment.

So in an effort to boost the mojo during a few days down in Dorset I padded off to Bovington tank museum for a bit of inspiration. So even with covid measures in place I spent a very enjoyable few hours looking at all the new displays that the museum have assembled since my last visit. 

The display explaining the British development of the tank during the second world war was very interesting as were the displays of uniforms and equipment used at that time. Did the visit work? Well I think so as I may even start building something very soon, possibly not what I have already planned but it's a start at least!

Of course I took the opportunity to buy a couple of kits from the museum shop whilst there, well I mean it would be rude not to!