Kit Reviews

Wednesday 28 February 2018

Isandlwana Last Man Standing

Here finally is the finished diorama with  the figures in place. I used VMS pigments to get the various earth tones and then when the figures where in place dusted the lower portions of their legs. I also added some spent shell casings using very fine brass rod. I think the finished scene really conveys a desperate atmosphere what with the bleak looking groundwork and the fierce looking Zulu advancing up the hill.

This project has certainly been a learning curve for me not least working out how to paint African skin tones and red uniforms in acrylics. It's been stressful at times and if this was not for someone else I very much doubt it would have been completed but now it's all done I can say it was fun at times! 

The very last things to do now is to clean up the base and sort out a box for transport.

Tuesday 27 February 2018

More Lanchester Progress

I swear the kit's building itself, today I dabbled with a bit more work on the model and was very impressed with the fit and ease of building the turret. Also the rear drive train & suspension went together really well so you end up with a very strong assembly. I may open up one of the rear stowage bins if I can find an image of one as well. i don't think this will take me long to build!

Tonight I have a big session with the Isandlwana base and a shed load of pigments!

Monday 26 February 2018

Copper State Models Lanchester Armoured Car

Here's the next project on the bench, Copper State models Lanchester armoured car. I just had to start it after getting my grubby mitts on the kit this weekend. The detail on the parts is excellent with only a few ejector pin marks to deal with and it also has the best spoked wheels I've ever seen in plastic. I started last night and already have most of the hull done, it's that easy to build.

The plastic used is really nice to work with, takes glue extremely well and shows off the numerous rivets and bolts beautifully. The eagle eyed amongst you will notice that the exhaust has a metal end tube. That's because I mucked up drilling out the plastic tube so had to replace it. A swipe of mr surfacer was also added to for a bit of texture. The rear bed is meant to be wood so I carved some wood grain into the bare boards using a scalpel.

It's not a big model as you can see but it does pack a punch in sheer building enjoyment.

Sunday 25 February 2018

Isandlwana Base Almost Done

The base has now had some of the stones & rocks picked out in different colours. This was followed by the application of loads of grass tufts and a few twigs from the garden to represent dead plant stalks. The final stages are very close with a dusting of pigments on the base and figures, metal work on the rifle & spear and final fitting of the figures. I'll also make up some spent rounds around the foot soldier using some tiny brass tubing.

This is how it will look once finished.

Saturday 24 February 2018

On Track Show Folkestone 24th February

First show of the year for us as usual which followed the familiar format of arrival on Friday afternoon, evening drinks again very restrained. We must be getting old, and the show proper on Saturday. One thing of note was the weather, bright & sunny but boy was it cold! The east wind was certainly bringing down the temperature in Folkestone last night.

From the off we were very busy with loads of people enjoying the various club & trader stands. I delved right in and secured a new Copper state models Lanchester armoured car. A swift slobber over the contents made me want to build it very soon. It certainly looks a belter. I also bought a Cromwell CET from a guy on Modellers haven forum, cheers Des, another must start soon kit.

Up to lunch time the show was very busy but slackened off after that. However it did give us a chance to catch our breath and actually have a bit of lunch too. As ever it was great to catch up with friends and discuss the important matters of the day, like when would Brian get lockjaw from all the talking he was doing! 

Congrats must go to Paul B for his gold & silver awards in the competition, well deserved sir. Entries seemed to be down on last year and I only managed a quick visit to see the models entered. But what I did see looked really good. I also managed to get a quick look around so I could take some pictures for the blog. 

Here's my haul from the show, minus a book on the Mutt jeep which I seem to have misplaced?

Edit, found my book!

A big thank you as ever to Matador models for organising the show and for the invite, we as usual came away tired but happy after yet another great show.