Kit Reviews

Monday 28 November 2016

Seehund Weathering

Progress although slow is starting to bear fruit. I've used a dark wash first around details and weld lines then gone back over with oils for rust staining. I followed this with some further light grey and white tones on the model to add a little bit more variation. One side is almost done now so it shouldn't take much longer to do.

Sunday 27 November 2016

BMSS Bugle Call Show Sunday 27th November

Today Stonehenge modellers attended our last show of the year. as stated in previous posts BMSS has moved the venue from Bath to Nailsea this year and a very nice venue it is too. Even with a slightly confusing drive thanks to the sat nav, (I never trust those things) we arrived in plenty of time to set up. The venue is actually a very modern and smart school and the area used was both bright and spacious.

With plenty of exhibitors and a smattering of traders to look at we had a quick tour round and a bacon buttie before the show opened to the public. To be perfectly honest we were not really busy all day, with most of the conversations being with fellow exhibitors. In fact we seemed to be at a loose end by 11.30am. However apparently over 400 people attended or should I say paid admittance for the show. All that aside it was a nice little show definitely helped by the far superior venue and plenty of free parking.

Our thanks to Kevin & BMSS for the invite and to the IPMS Romsey boys next to us for a really good chat and info on dio building.

My very restrained haul from the show,

Friday 18 November 2016

Bugle Call Show 27th November & More 432 Pictures

Bristol model soldier society will be holding their annual show Bugle call on Sunday 27th November at a new venue in Nailsea. For those of you who remember the old venue in Bath which was sometimes a nightmare to park this new venue looks to be much better offering more parking and more importantly more space and better lighting.

Stonehenge modellers will be in attendance so don't forget to say hello! Here's a link to the show information page, BUGLE CALL 2016

On to Takom's 432 now and a couple more pictures have emerged on the net. OK they are just CAD images but they do give a flavour of the detail that hopefully will be evident on the final model.

Who knows, maybe we will see further 432 family releases and even possibly some further modern British kit. I'd certainly like to see more of the CVR(T) family.  

Seehund Post Shading & Decals

Yesterday's progress now and here I've used heavily thinned tamiya X19 smoke to add further depth to the model. Spraying along weld lines and the drain holes this adds a little more depth to the paintwork. The decals went on next and I kept this plain and simple even though the decals provide some colourful options. My rationale being that these were shallow water craft so any bright markings would possibly have been spotted quite easily.

The torpedoes and the prop were painted up too. I can now begin the final weathering using a bit of chipping and oils. Here I'm going to try the wilder oils I bought a while ago and see how they fare.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Seehund Colours On

Main painting of the model now and here I used tamiya XF24 & XF54. Both were then lightened with white and sprayed over their respective areas to start adding some variations in tone. The pre shade also shows through nicely and adds some depth too. I then gloss varnished the model and torpedo's so she's ready for further shading with thinned tamiya smoke and decals.