Kit Reviews

Tuesday 26 July 2016

France Attacks

Again today we have seen horror in France yet again with the disgusting attack on a church and the killing of a priest. I'm in no way religious but I respect everyone's rights to believe in what they want. We are seeing attacks all over europe and I wonder how long before they strike again here in the UK? 

Europe as a whole needs to strike and strike hard at these people and we need to do it now. They cannot be bargained with or asked to see reason, they have none apart from their twisted ideals. They don't have pity or remorse and certainly don't care what they do to achieve their twisted aims.

We need to act as they do and wipe them out now before the whole of europe erupts into a war zone and to hell with their human rights, what rights did they give to their innocent victims? My thoughts are with all the victims and their families as well as the security forces putting themselves on the line every day, and all my French friends who follow this blog.


Friday 15 July 2016

Tamiya Humber A/C A Quick Build

Well that's the Humber all built up! A very pleasant and fun build it was too, I only added four lifting hooks from wire and drilled out the co-ax gun and the smoke dischargers everything else is as per the box. The stowage came from red zebra ( and is a specific set for this kit and very nice it is too. Even the figure is well done and fits the turret perfectly.

It's been really nice to finally get back into some modelling and this kit really helps get the old mojo back. I'm now looking forwards to getting some paint on.

Monday 11 July 2016

Tamiya Humber Armoured Car

Modelling time is almost nil at the moment due to some family issues that I won't bore you with. But a little bit of building has been done on the Humber. It's a really nice kit which goes together very well and has excellent detail. A little bit of mr surfacer was used along the join edges on the hull to ensure there were no gaps visible.

Being absent from the bench has not stopped me thinking and looking at models and modelling and to that end I've invested in some new oil paints from Wilder. These are a new type of weathering oils which are more fluid than traditional oil paints and are marketed as fast drying and matt finish. I'll give them a go soon and let you know what I think about them.

Friday 1 July 2016

100 Years On The Battle Of The Somme

Today marks the start of the battle of the Somme 100 years ago. This day is particularly poignant to me as both my grandfathers were there at some point during the battle.  One in the royal horse artillery and the other in the infantry. Both survived and after the war came home, I never met them as they had both passed away before I was born. So many did not survive the slaughter that was the Somme however so today please spare a thought for those who did not come back.