Kit Reviews

Thursday 30 June 2016

A New Project

As I'm getting bogged down and finding it hard to actually finish the two AS 90's at the minute and with other things going on at the moment I've decided to try and boost my build output this year with a nice simple out of the box build. So I've gone for the tamiya 1/48th Humber armoured car kit that I picked up at the Salisbury show.

When I say out of the box I suppose I mean with possibly a few additions! I do have a very nice stowage set to go with the kit from Paul at Red Zebra models which is made specifically for this kit. Apart from that I don't see myself adding much more, famous last words eh?

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Holiday Time

I've just got back from a much needed holiday and had a great time doing absolutely nothing! As usual my destination of choice was the beautiful island of Zakynthos where the sun is hot, the beer is ice cold and the food is awesome.  

A great time was had by all and I'm now ready to crack on with some more bench time as I really must get the AS90's finished soon.

Saturday 4 June 2016

IPMS Salisbury Show Report

Today I was at IPMS Salisbury's annual show held as usual at Laverstock just on the edge of the city. Myself and Brian Stoddart in our guise of "Stonehenge Modellers" were set up and ready for the show in record time even with a slightly longer walk with all the kit from the car this year. We even had time for a quick look around before the public was admitted. 

As usual for us we were busy from the start with lots of interest in Brian's latest AMX 13, no it's not the latest Takom offering but the ancient Heller one! Quite a few people thought it was the Takom kit & they were all very surprised when told it was not. My AS 90's went as WIP and it was nice to talk to a chap who actually worked on them and even more bizarrely 24KK42. What are the odds of that? 

It was also great to meet a few people who follow this blog, especially the guy who was building a Chieftain mk9 and showed me some pictures of his scratch built drivers compartment. Very impressive indeed, I just wish I had asked his name! Dick and Chris from modelworx were also in attendance and at one stage we were ousted from behind the tables as they took up residence! Much banter and hilarity were the order of the day as well as watching Chris increase his stash in double quick time!

Looking around the displays there was plenty to keep you interested and plenty of tempting items from the traders. The competition this year whilst having some outstanding entries seemed a bit sparse. With only a few entries per class and none in the juniors section. Perhaps this is just a phase as almost all shows I have been to lately have a lot less entries in the comps.

Again another cracking day this is always a great show to visit. Thanks to IPMS Salisbury for the invite and a smashing day out.

A dodgy pair of buggers behind our table!

My VERY restrained stash additions,