Kit Reviews

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Belgium Beckons

Friday sees myself and Brian (aka Stonehenge modellers) off on our annual trip to the IPMS Belgium annual show Plastic & Steel. So as you would expect some frantic last minute preparations are under way. Yeah that's mostly Brian! The weather looks like it will be great, the beer is sure to be cold and the welcome extremely warm.

So if you are attending be sure to seek us out and say hello. 

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Tamiya Matilda Back On The Bench

After a couple of weeks with very little bench time I've managed to at least get some more work done on the Matilda. chipping and detail painting followed by gloss and decals. The tracks have also been fitted along with the side skirts so just a little bit more detail painting to do before matt and pigments etc.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Meng Bradley Paint Work

Today the Bradley had a session in the spray booth. I used tamiya XF 57 buff for the main colour then went over the model again with a couple of lightened coats using flat white with more white in the second pass. These were sprayed in the centre of panels and on areas of highlight. It's sort of a modulation style but the variation in tones is not as pronounced.

A few panels on the side armour were then masked off and the NATO green colour i used on the transporter was sprayed on. possibly not 100% accurate but I like the colour contrast and it breaks up the sand colour too. Three wheels also had the green sprayed on again just for a bit of visual interest. most of the detail painting has now also been done, not much really on this one to do now apart from the tracks to paint before gloss and weathering.


Saturday 12 September 2015

Takom T3 Transporter Paint On!

Today I've got the main colours on the model and here I used tamiya XF 71 cockpit green for the main colour. Bit of a strange one to use on a vehicle you may say but it actually works really well for a faded NATO green sometimes seen on Bundeswehr vehicles. Tamiya flesh and white were then added to add highlights.

Tamiya NATO black & brown went on next and these were lightened with flesh & white for faded tones. The black was used to spray the underside of the chassis. Finally the seats and door cards were sprayed using gunze H310. Very pleased with the colours which look suitably faded and old. 


Thursday 10 September 2015

Takom T3 Transporter Ready For Primer!

Flippin heck! it must be something in the water cos the transporter is now ready for primer! My cunning plan is to almost complete the painting inside & out, including weathering before fixing the cab and chassis together. That should save a lot of faffing about especially if I can get the glazing in place. Never tried using this method but it looks like it could be a winner.

So here's the model in its sub assemblies. The detail is smashing particularly the door cards and front grill area.

Monday 7 September 2015

Takom T3 Transporter (Next On The Bench)

Yeap I've started another kit and this time it's something German, small and with only four wheels. You may remember I reviewed this kit a while back and have only just got around to starting this fine kit.

I've deviated almost straight away form the instructions and have left the wheels off until after painting. This is so i can paint up the disc brakes properly later on. The wheels come with the option of hub caps, as most of my refs show them in place that's what I did. The partial engine is also very nice, just a pity it's hidden under the model. 

The seats and dashboard have also been built up but will be left off the model until after interior painting.

i also decided to test fit some of the body panels and check for fit. I'm glad i did as the rear cab wall, part D2 just would not fit properly. After a bit of head scratching and checking the real thing out on the web I removed a very small sliver of plastic from each cab side. Part D2 was also trimmed up on the lower portion. 

Problem solved it now fitted correctly with no gaps! I also test fitted a cargo bed side and this fitted correctly against the rear of the cab as well, phew!

Apart from this small blip the rest of the model fits like a dream so I'm more than happy to find a fix for this small issue.

Sunday 6 September 2015

Meng Bradley Construction Complete

The model is now all built up after finishing off the turret. I added three RB models brass antenna bases here as they have better detail and posed the TOW launcher up, well you just have to I think. I also found a figure from Alpine to go with it in the stash.

The build has been great fun and so easy, I love the details and the look of the model with all those antennas and extra armour. i think it's going to be a treat to paint too even though it's in a single colour the variations of tone I can play around with should keep me amused for a while.

So the model will be off for a wash now before priming so it's back to the Matilda and perhaps something else on the bench?

Thursday 3 September 2015

Brilliant Bradley

The Bradley is just flying together! this kit should be on every modellers bucket list, it's so flipping good. The fit of parts, ease of assembly and the mind blowing detail on the parts is outstanding. just go out and get one you won't be disappointed. 

Most of the turret assembly is now complete with a few smaller parts still to add. The barrel is an RB item which I had lying about. not really necessary but I think brass barrels have much sharper detail than plastic ones. I really like all the bits hanging off this model and can't wait to start painting which actually shouldn't be too far away!