Kit Reviews

Wednesday 31 December 2014

FT-17 Update & A Happy New Year!

I've finally got some bench time in and have now added some chipping to the tank then sprayed with gloss ready for decals & weathering. The figure has also had some paint chucked at it and I've painted the jacket with oils. A little bit of highlighting needs to be added to this. The face has also been started.

As this is my last post of the year I'd like to wish everyone a very happy new year, may all your modelling ( and real life) dreams be fulfilled over the coming year !

Sunday 21 December 2014

Festive Greetings & A New Addition

Well it's Christmas again and time to look back on the year, which to me seemed to fly by! On the modelling front it's been a very good year for both building and acquiring new kits for the stash. Perhaps too many new kits this year but with so many "must haves" coming out at the moment it's pretty hard to resist! Build wise I've really enjoyed the variety and also getting back to modern armour has really boosted my modelling enjoyment.

Stonehenge modellers have also had a great year and we have really enjoyed all the shows we have attended especially meeting up with friends old & new. The highlight of the year must be our Belgian trip, something we will definitely be doing again next year if only for the beer! 

The blog has also been working well with an average of over 3000 page views a month plus a steady stream of new followers. I do try to post regularly and bring you interesting subjects and info which I think makes all the difference to both seasoned and novice modellers alike. It's also great to receive so many nice comments and emails from people who have seen the blog. I have some more great builds planned for 2015 so I hope you will enjoy seeing them take shape.

On to the new addition and we have now given a home to a mature moggie called Wilkie. He's 6 years old and has been a stray but is very affectionate and loves people. He came to us from Bath cats protection who I must say where excellent and very thorough. He's only been home a couple of days but is already making himself comfy and is settling in well. The missus loves him already especially as he likes a fuss so much! As you can see he's rather a handsome devil.


Finally as is tradition a couple of pics of Dita in some sort of festive clothing, not much of it but that's not a bad thing!


Sunday 7 December 2014

FT-17 Camo & Figure

It's been hard to get any bench time in at the moment but I have now managed to get the camo painted on the tank. I used vallejo colours and hand painted the scheme. The figure has also arrived and very nice it is too with very little clean up and nice crisp details. It also comes with two heads so you have a choice. I'm definately going with the rather smart beret wearing moustachioed head as he just looks so French.