Kit Reviews

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Type 87 Tweaks

The type 87 is now ready for primer & paint. I got cracking with the final details today and am very pleased with the results. Sometimes a little scratch building plus plastic, brass and anything else found in the spares box is all you need. It's also much cheaper than forking out for an etched set which you will probably only use half of.

Monday 27 January 2014

Trumpeter JGSDF Type 87

Continuing my obsession with all things JGSDF here's trumpeters superb type 87 reconnaissance vehicle. It's not a complicated kit and has some nice details and has normal solid plastic wheels! This is just such a cool looking vehicle I just had to get the box open and start it.

The lower and upper hull parts need a bit of fettling so that everything lines up and once glued and dry I added some missing weld lines using Mr surfacer. I also had to re scribe the hatches as they had all but disappeared after sanding the hull joints.

I started adding extra details and replacing moulded on handles using plastic card and brass paying close attention to my references. The exhaust came from an old radio aerial cut to the correct angle. The kit does come with a small brass fret which has the number plates, front fenders and side reflectors on it. Just as well really as there is no after market etch or resin for this kit as far as I can find.

Friday 17 January 2014

Valentine Tracks Yet Again!

Things have again been going pear shaped with the valentine this time in the track department. I had weathered up the AFV club replacement tracks and then attempted to fit the buggers but to no avail. They just broke up in my hands! to say the air turned blue is an understatement. The model very nearly ended up in the bin I was that frustrated.

However I eventually calmed down and ordered some Friulmodel tracks, set No ATL-32 which duly arrived. Why I didn't use these in the first place I will never know, anyway after a few nights drilling out each link and minimal clean up I finally have a decent set of tracks that fit and don't want to bite me in the arse! I can now finally progress and get the last stages of weathering finished off. The figure has also had a little attention as my good friend Brian pointed out his collar should be uniform colour not leather as I had painted.

Trumpeter 38T Finished

The 38t is now all finished and placed on a simple base. Very pleased with how this one came out, I think the use of the yellow makes for a very different look to the vehicle and sets it apart from the norm. The last things added where the antenna and a tin can I made up added to the turret roof. I even made up some sausages to put into the tin, well that dog looks hungry!

Sunday 12 January 2014

38t 99.9% done!

The 38t is almost finished after adding some pigments and fitting the tracks. I kept the pigment weathering on the light side with most of the work on the lower hull and fenders with just a hint of pigments on the turret and other surfaces.

Looks just the job for an anti partisan security vehicle. I'm now working on a base so should get this one done in the next week hopefully.

Saturday 4 January 2014

Valentine Figure Completed

I've now finally got the figure for the valentine finished and very nice he looks too.

I'm now working on the base using an Ikea picture frame and should also be starting the mud and dust on the valentine over the next week.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Academy 1/48th F-4C Phantom

Here is my newest project to start off the new year, Academy's F-4C Phantom. I really like Vietnam scheme aircraft so with the valentine and 38t nearing the finishing post it was a good time to do something different. The kit is a cracker with loads of fine details and looks a fairly straight forward build. It's cast in three colours, grey, black and white very much like the old matchbox kits I built as a kid.

However I have found it's the devils own job finding any seam lines or knock out marks on the white and black. That said it's not that much of a problem more like an annoying itch! Build up starts with the cockpit and this looks very nice with good seats and a couple of pilots too. I think the seats will be fine if you intend to add the figures or just have the canopy closed. If you want the canopy open then maybe some straps can be added or replacement seats used. I'm going with the figures on this one just for a change.

The rest of the build so far has been very easy and trouble free with just a few pin marks to fill and some seams to sand down.

Valentine Figure Part 2

Here is my second attempt at the valentine figure after mucking up the uniform first time around. I painted the uniform first then masked it off and painted the jerkin again in oils. Much happier with the colour now. Once the oils have dried I can finish him off and get the valentine sorted!

Oh and happy new year to you all!!