Kit Reviews

Wednesday 21 December 2011

A Festive Message

Well the Christmas period is again upon us and guess what? I still have not finished the WMIK! I really must get on with it as there are so many other models I have planned for the next year and as usual the list is getting ever longer! I have a bit of leave in January so I am hoping to get my finger out and finish the damned thing.

Thanks to everyone who visited the blog over the year I hope you have enjoyed my posts and it's given you some inspiration and ideas for your own projects, I have certainly enjoyed my modelling year and hope next year will be even better. So enjoy the festive season wherever you may be.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Bits & Bobs

The WMIK has now had it's matt coat and all the lights have been added, as usual near the end of a project another disaster occurred this time in the shape of one of the rear lights disappearing into the ever hungry jaws of the carpet monster! A new light was fashioned from clear plastic rod so I expect the original part to turn up just as this project is finished!

All the stowage has also been painted and I have used accurate armour items including their modern snacks set plus a couple of soft drinks cans to add some colour and variety to the finished model.

Friday 18 November 2011

WMIK On It's Wheels

Well the glacial progress of the model continues! I have now added a little bit of paint chipping as well as some pin washes and a couple of filter coats and added the main body and cage to the chassis. The next steps will be a matt coat followed by a generous application of pigments. I am finding this a difficult project to finish due to the many elements that need to come together to finish the project.

I have not even started on the stowage or figure yet let alone the base!! Maybe it will be finished by Christmas! However I am pleased with the results so far and really like how the engine bay has turned out.

The acquisition of new kits however is far from glacial let me tell you! with the new Italeri 1/48th Hurricane now residing under the bench as well as a Hobbyboss Landrover Defender hardtop, a Meng models pickup truck with equipment and a rather happy find on ebay, a Dragon united nations BTR70 with ukrainian peacekeepers all in 1/35th scale.

This weekend I will be attending the BMSS show Bugle Call in Bath with my club so do come and say hello if you are there.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Painting Progress

I have now almost completed the detail painting on the model. All that is left to do is paint straps and stowage which will be done later. Decals are also on and the model has had a coat of klear ready for the weathering. I used Acher details for the ammo boxes and these look superb, you can even read the writing! The union jacks are extras not supplied in the kit and added just to make it slightly different.

The light lenses are currently receiving some attention with the rear of the lenses painted silver and tamiya clear colours to finish them off. For the headlights I will be using some discs of silver foil to represent the interior of the lights.

Thursday 20 October 2011

At Last! Some Progress!!

Hurrah! I hear you cry at last an update! I have finally managed to get back to the modelling bench after some trials and tribulations plus a slight loss of the old modelling mojo but as Austin Powers would say,"I'm back baby, yeah!!"
After a nice primer coat I have used tamiya NATO black, flat black and field grey for the main colours and them started adding all the details using vallejo colours. The seats are painted using tamiya dark grey.

It's all horribly clean and tidy at the moment but never fear this will soon change!

Sunday 18 September 2011

Back At The Bench

Well I am finally back home and am currently sorting out a few bits around the house as well as trying to get some rest. Should be back working on the WMIK next week so watch out for more updates. I must say I am enjoying the rugby world cup at the moment. For me the best game so far was Australia versus Ireland a really exiting game and a well deserved win for Ireland.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Absolutely No Progress!

Well there has been absolutely no progress on the model over the last week as I have been running around like a headless chicken sorting out everything which needs to be done before I go away. I really shouldn't have left these jobs until the last minute!
I still have the joy of sorting out all my kit and packing yet which should be fun!

However I have been checking out all the new releases which are due and must say I think we are in for a great year. My particular favourite is Vulcan models British Light Tank Mark VI B which looks a stunner. Never thought I would see this in plastic. Also of interest is a new company, Meng models new début release Pickup w/ZPU-1. Very handy for loads of modern dioramas. I am also keen to see what the new Italeri Hurricane Mk1 is going to be like, hopefully it will be as good as the near impossible to find Hasegawa version as I am keen to add a battle of Britain version to my collection.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Construction Complete?

I have now finished building the .50 cal and the GPMG and I have also added the rifle rack from the Legend set plus a couple of other improvements. Hopefully that is all for the construction stage of the project.

Now I really need to clean up the modelling room before I do anything like priming as it's a total dump! Updates may be somewhat delayed over the next couple of months as I am away with work and as far as I am aware there is no internet access where I am heading. A right pain but I am sure I will have to cope somehow!

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Back At It

Well after a little break for my holidays(to a very sunny Greece) I have started up on the model again. I have added some superb DEF Model resin wheels and started on the weapons using the Legends detailing set. I found this set so far to be a total pain suffering from poor instructions and warping of the resin parts. I get the impression this was rushed out by Legend as it is defiantly NOT their usual quality product.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Minor Tweaks

I have been adding a few minor tweaks to the kit in the shape of seat belts and the mount for the spare wheel plus a few bolt heads here and there. Not much else I can do now until my goodies arrive.

I have also been going through my accessories for stowage. I have decided to save the legend stuff for a later WMIK and try and use equipment more suitable for the earlier period I am building. Obviously the stowage situation is subject to change!

Now the dilemma is do I start something else whilst waiting for the extras or sit on my hands and wait?

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Radio GaGa

I have now finished fitting the clansman radio and associated wiring. At times this almost sent me gaga trying to find info on WMIK clansman fitting so in the end I had to settle for my best guess. Probably not 100% accurate but if I spent any more time on this I would never get the model finished! Sometimes you just have to compromise.

Also added some extra details to the driver and commanders seats which again are the legend items. Now I am just waiting on the legends weapons update set,DEF resin wheels and some accurate armour ammo boxes to finish off the construction stage of the model.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Delightful Defender

More work for you this time I have completed the TUAAM box,added the radio table in the rear and made a start on the seats and made some other improvements.

The biggest surprise was actually finding a clansman radio in the spares box whilst rooting through it for suitable parts to make a radio. It's an old accurate armour item from their ferret kit. As an added bonus it's even the correct radio I need, to say I was pleased would be an understatement!

I have also been looking at the kit ammo boxes and will be replacing them with a mixture of resin and plastic items. The kit boxes look too small to my eyes plus they have some horrible join lines which look a bugger to get rid of. The tan coloured boxes are the kit supplied items in the pictures below.

Saturday 2 July 2011

The Devil's In The Details

Yesterday saw me working away on the engine bay adding extra cables and other components to help busy up the engine bay. I also added some extra details to the engine and made a start on the TUAAM box using plastic card.