Kit Reviews

Thursday 11 August 2011

Absolutely No Progress!

Well there has been absolutely no progress on the model over the last week as I have been running around like a headless chicken sorting out everything which needs to be done before I go away. I really shouldn't have left these jobs until the last minute!
I still have the joy of sorting out all my kit and packing yet which should be fun!

However I have been checking out all the new releases which are due and must say I think we are in for a great year. My particular favourite is Vulcan models British Light Tank Mark VI B which looks a stunner. Never thought I would see this in plastic. Also of interest is a new company, Meng models new début release Pickup w/ZPU-1. Very handy for loads of modern dioramas. I am also keen to see what the new Italeri Hurricane Mk1 is going to be like, hopefully it will be as good as the near impossible to find Hasegawa version as I am keen to add a battle of Britain version to my collection.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Construction Complete?

I have now finished building the .50 cal and the GPMG and I have also added the rifle rack from the Legend set plus a couple of other improvements. Hopefully that is all for the construction stage of the project.

Now I really need to clean up the modelling room before I do anything like priming as it's a total dump! Updates may be somewhat delayed over the next couple of months as I am away with work and as far as I am aware there is no internet access where I am heading. A right pain but I am sure I will have to cope somehow!