Kit Reviews

Monday 29 November 2010

Ariete adding more details

Well the construction is now completed. I used very little in the end from the etched set. Figure is a royal models item.

Sunday 21 November 2010

Trumpeter Italian Ariete MBT

Here is the latest model to grace the smudgewerks bench, Trumpeters rather nice Ariete up armoured version. I also have a Lion Roar etched set which although intended for the earlier version has plenty of bits which can be used on this kit. The First thing to tackle was the engine deck vent. On the kit this stands proud of the main deck but should be flush so using a compass cutter I removed the offending part and replaced it with a plastic card base and the etched grills. I have also added some missing weld lines to the rear hull from stretched sprue and added etch where I felt it was needed.

The extra armour uses the etch provided in the kit and as you can see I have added some plastic card to the rear to prevent any see through on the completed model. I have also added the missing co-axil gun slot on the front turret armour and hollowed out the front headlights ready for some lenses later on.

Thursday 18 November 2010

U-boat all done!

Christ that was quick I hear you say! All I can say is that the final stages seemed to just fly together! Adding the rigging to the model was the part I was dreading but it all went without a hitch! As you can see I have used a new base which I feel looks much better than the previous attempt. The U-boat is really enhanced by the addition of the figures which help give the model a sense of scale.

A really enjoyable build and a kit I would recommend. Now let's see what's next in the stash!

Sunday 14 November 2010

Getting some painting done

I have started painting the U-boat using Tamiya XF 24 and XF 54 plus white and black to vary the basic colours. Just need to touch up a few areas then the model will get a coat of clear before further shading and highlighting.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Crew Figures

The last few days have seen me painting the figures. Quite a challenge in such a small scale but I think they came out OK.

The boat itself has had a blast of primer and is now ready for painting. Only a few more days until the nationals at Telford and I am looking forwards to it. I will be displaying some models on the Locate & Cement stand on Saturday so if you are attending pop along and have a look.

Friday 5 November 2010

Base work and Figures

Whilst waiting for paint to arrive I have cracked on with the base. A couple more coats of varnish and it will be ready. Today my figures for the u-boat arrived, these are Hecker & Goros items and they are simply superb. The picture shows them straight out of the packet. Only a little clean up is required and being white metal the detail is fabulous.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Dive, Dive, Dive!

The main construction is now complete, I have finished off the deck rails and added two jump line supports on the stern.I have started sorting out a base to mount the model on. Just a simple piece of MDF and a couple of brass rods.

I am also looking at adding some figures and am thinking of using some Hecker&Goros items.